
A flexible Solution for Verifiable Credential Implementation

Featuring a credential management tool (Kredential Manager) and a user wallet, the Kredential solution offers the full suite of tools needed to issue and manage verifiable credentials. Whether you need a verifiable credential solution that manages KYC data, employee records, user authentication and access control, educational and professional credentials or more, Kredential is a flexible verifiable credential solution that can be tailored to suit your needs.

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Kredential Manager

Issue, Manage and Verify Credentials

Kredential manager is an easy-to-use application for organisations to issue, manage and verify digital credentials for a number of different use cases. Issue tamper-proof verifiable credentials with cryptographic signatures to mitigate fraud. Verify credentials using recognised standards, and even revoke credentials quickly and easily when a credential is no longer valid.

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Kredential Wallet

Request, Store and Share Credentials

The Kredential wallet is a digital wallet that allows users to request, receive and share their digital credentials from a convenient yet secure mobile application. Features include a handy user dashboard to request, store and own verifiable credentials. Credentials can be filtered by type for ease of management while selective disclosure allows for enhanced data ownership. Plus, private key, pin code and biometric protection to keep credentials safe and secure. 

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Flexible, Adaptable Solution

Versatile Solution for Multiple Use Cases

The flexibility and versatility of the Kredential solution means that it can easily be adapted to a number of verifiable credential use cases. Whether you’re looking for a solution to issue and verify access credentials, educational credentials, employee records, health records, KYC or more, we can tailor the Kredential solution to your needs. 

Platform Features

Powerful features to issue, secure and manage a wide range of verifiable credentials.

Credential Management Tools

Kredential is a full-scale solution that allows for the issuance, verification, sharing and revocation of credentials.

User and Enterprise Wallets

With both holder and issuer/verifier wallets included, Kredential provides all the tools needed for verifiable credential management.

EBSI Compliant

Utilising the trusted European Blockchain Services Infrastructure (EBSI) network, Kredential wallets are conformant with EBSI specifications.

Built for Multiple Use Cases

Kredential is designed to be an adaptable verifiable credential solution to manage a wide range of digital credentials.

Key Benefits

The benefits of a verifiable credential solution such as Kredential are numerous. From reducing fraud to providing users with greater privacy and control of their data.

Automatically verify credentials to prevent fraudulent claims. Advanced cryptography is utilised to verify the authenticity of the credential, the issuer and the holder. Prevent the misuse of credentials with easy-to-use revocation features; while safe in the knowledge that the underlying blockchain technology provides an immutable record of the data that prevents users from tampering with or altering credentials.

Give users more control over their credentials and place the burden of data ownership back into the hands of users. Verifiable credentials empower individuals by giving them control over their personal information, allowing them to control when and how they share their personal data — while also allowing them to selectively disclose specific attributes without exposing their entire data set. Organisational liability is reduced along with the need to store or delete personal data according to data protection regulations.

The manual verification of credentials is not only time-consuming but also costly. By automating these processes, Verifiable Credential Solutions can drastically reduce the time, cost and resource that is spent on verification of identity, access and more. With fast and easy verification of a wide range of credentials, the operational costs related to KYC, access management, compliance and more can all be reduced by utilising a verifiable credential solution.

As credentials are automatically verified, data can be trusted as valid, meaning your team can immediately act on the data presented without the need for multifactor authentication or other manual checks —  saving time and increasing operational efficiency. 


Verifiable Credentials unlock a wide range of powerful use-cases for organisations, users and regulators.
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Know Your Customer (KYC)

KYC processes are both costly and time consuming. VCs streamline the KYC process by enabling individuals to prove their identity quickly and easily.
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Educational & Professional Qualifications

VCs enable the issuance and verification of tamper-proof digital diplomas and certificates. Easily verify qualifications in educational and professional settings.
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Access Management

Both Digital and Physical access control can be revolutionised via the use of verifiable credentials. Issue and verify access credentials for employees, residents, members and more.
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Health Records

VCs provide a secure method for sharing patient records while enhancing privacy and efficiency. Patients can present a VC to a healthcare provider, ensuring that their medical history is accurately and securely transferred.
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Supply Chain Management

VCs ensure the authenticity of products and materials throughout the supply chain, providing transparency and reducing the risk of counterfeit goods.
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Travel Documents

VCs for travel documents, identity checks, bookings and more allow travellers to move through security checks more efficiently, reducing wait times and improving the overall travel experience.
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Membership Verification

Utilise VCs to verify membership and to grant access across a range of different scenarios. Ensure that only authorised individuals have access to specific services or benefits.
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Legal Identity

VCs simplify the process of identity verification. By issuing VCs for legal identities, governments and organisations can provide a secure and convenient way for individuals to prove their identity.
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Want to Explore Verifiable Credentials for Your Business?

Get in touch with Protokol for a demo of the Kredential solution, or to learn more about how a verifiable credential solution could work for your organisation.
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